Notice is hereby given that The Friends of the Stewartstown Railroad, Inc. will be holding an annual meeting on Saturday, June 12 at 9:30AM. The purpose of this meeting is to review yearly results and hold elections for officers and directors of the organization. Members in good standing that are interested in running for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, or one of five Director-At-Large positions should submit their wishes to be placed on the ballot to Dave Watson at Submissions must be received no later than Saturday, May 8 at 9PM. Thank you.
Author Archives: stewartstownfriends
Coach and Track Workday Announcements for July 2020

There is always plenty to do, often hard to decide what to do, but we always pick something needed and important, get it done, then move in to the next item on the list!!
Help is always needed and welcome, please come out and help move us forward down the track!!
March 28, 2020 General Membership Meeting and May 2020 Annual Meetings Postponed
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are postponing the Saturday, March 28, 2020 general membership meeting and May annual meeting. The Friends’ board of directors will be having a board meeting this week to try and determine new dates. We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. Stay tuned for the new dates to be announced.
Friends of the Stewartstown Railroad Seeking Donations for #GivingTuesday
Since 2006, the Friends of the Stewartstown Railroad, Inc, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the Preservation, Promotion, and Restoration of the Stewartstown Railroad, has persevered thru the generosity of donors and dedication of volunteers that dearly love this historic little gem. Like many non-profit organizations, we depend on donations to provide materials and supplies used in various preservation and restoration efforts participated in by our volunteer members. Last year we built (from the ground up) and placed an open-air excursion car into service completely from donations. We also replaced the roof on the Stewartstown Station and helped to return the Iron Bridge back in to service. These efforts were all made possible by the generosity of our supporters and donors!
Since then, we have been hard at work rehabilitating our latest acquisition: former Reading Company coach #1158. A significant grant from from the John H. Emery trust has made this effort possible. We are currently looking to raise an additional $1,000 from this annual #GivingTuesday to keep the restoration work momentum up! When coach #1158’s restoration is complete, it will return to active service on the Stewartstown Railroad where it will serve as a demonstration early 1920’s inter-urban passenger coach. Will you please consider donating to our coach #1158 restoration currently in progress? All donations will go toward materials, paint, steel, and glass needed to finish this project by Summer 2020. We thank you for your consideration of this request!
Santa Trains Coming to the Stewartstown Railroad
Santa trains on the Stewartstown Railroad begin on Saturday, November 30th. Reserve your tickets now at
While waiting for your train, be sure to visit the Friends gift shop to find those railroad-theme stocking-stuffers for the railfans on your gift list!