Please considering volunteering your time on Saturday, Aug 6 to assist with on-going restoration work to coach 1341. We will be working on new wiring installation, bathroom upgrades, and painting. These improvements will help increase the overall comfort of our passengers. No special skills are necessary, only a willingness to help. We look forward to seeing you there!
Author Archives: stewartstownfriends
2022 Annual Meeting Announcement
The Friends Receive a $1,000 grant from the Kathleen E. Thornton Educational Trust & Memorial Donations in Honor of the Late Raymond E. Reter
We are pleased to announce that we have received a $1,000 grant from the Kathleen E. Thornton Educational Trust in memory of the late Raymond E. Reter. The FSR Board voted unanimously to combine this generous grant with other memorial donations received in memory of Mr. Reter to continue restoration work on the Friends’ former Reading Company coach #1158 in his honor. We sincerely thank the Kathleen E. Thornton Educational Trust for their generous grant and memorial donors in memory of Mr. Reter. We encourage anyone with an interest in passenger coach preservation and restoration to join in on this project. Stay tuned for updates as we continue to restore coach 1158 into her former Reading Railroad glory.
Friends of the Stewartstown Railroad, Inc. Selected as a Recipient of a $5,000 Match-Grant from the 2021 NRHS Railway Heritage Grant Program

The Friends Receive a $1,000 grant from the Kathleen E. Thornton Educational Trust
We are pleased to announce that we have received a $1,000 grant from the Kathleen E. Thornton Educational Trust. These funds will be used to continue restoration work on the Friends’ former Reading Company coach #1158. We sincerely thank the Kathleen E. Thornton Educational Trust for their generous grant. We encourage anyone with an interest in passenger coach preservation and restoration to join in on this project. Stay tuned for updates as we continue to restore coach 1158 into her former Reading Railroad glory.